Clean Dog Beds
Clean dog beds without dog odor–that’s the goal, and Febreze In-Wash Odor Eliminator is the way to reach that goal. Just add Febreze’s odor removing laundry additive to your regular wash cycle. (more…)
Fish Odor Removed from Clothes
Fish odor, when present in clothes, is unpleasant to say the least. Lots of people like to fish, lots of people like to cook fish, and even more people like to eat fish, but most people do not want the smell of fish lingering on their clothes. (more…)
Motor Oil Odors Be Gone!
Motor oil odors can linger, whether you’re a professional mechanic or just someone who spends their weekends tinkering with engines or changing their own oil. To get the smell of motor oil out of your clothes, use Febreze In-Wash Odor Eliminator. (more…)