
My Camping Clothes Don’t Stink!

If your camping clothes keep smelling less and less fresh and more and more like sweat and campfire every time you wear them, it’s likely you have lingering odor issues. Detergent alone can’t seem to lift the stink from your outdoor camping or active wear. (more…)

Washing Wading Clothes

Washing wading clothes can be a real challenge. Fishing and wading clothes easily pick up the scent of the body of water and the scent of the fish. (more…)

Camping Smells in Clothes

Camping smells in clothes linger after a night around a campfire. Febreze In-Wash Odor Eliminator removes camping smells from clothes in just one washing. (more…)

Odor Free Clothes After Camping

Odor free clothes after camping. What used to take at least several launderings (even to achieve just mediocre results) now can be accomplished in only one washing thanks to Febreze In-Wash Odor Eliminator. (more…)